Do Not Duplicate Keys Policy

We frequently receive requests to both copy “do not duplicate” key and/or to provide them for clients. This can be a controversial item so here is a short post on how we address it.

“Do Not Duplicate” or any similar wording, stamped on a key is a false sense of security. There are no laws stopping anyone from not copying it. Although, it does provide some psychological resistant as many hardware stores and some locksmith will not copy a Do Not Duplicate Key.

do not duplicate keys

Our policy is to explain this to the customers asking, and let them decide.

We do copy “Do Not Duplicate” stamped Keys. If you would like true key control, that is where no one can get a copy of it made, that exists and can be provided for your security.

Here is our full policy:

Do Not Duplicate Keys: Orders for keys stamped “Do Not Duplicate” or similar wording will be handled in the same manner as any unrestricted keys .  Team members should inform the consumer that the use of keys stamped “Do Not Duplicate”, or similar wording, is not effective security, and further that the use of such words is deceptive because it provides a false sense of security. Consumers who desire effective security should purchase a patented key control system rather than rely on a “Do Not Duplicate” marking. This does not apply to keys protected by law.