We just received and installed out new 3D Pro Exteme Key Machine by Laser Key Products! The 3D Pro is an automated key machine operated by a computer. What makes this key machine special:
– Cut 2 track high security keys
-Cut 4 track security keys
– Cut tibbe high security keys
– Can cut standard & tubular keys as well
– Fastest and most accurate high security key machine on the market
-It is placed in our vehicle as a mobile unit so we can generate your keys in the field
Check out our video of cutting a VW 2 track key. Notice, it only takes less than 60 seconds!
If you need 2 track, 4 track or tibbe keys for Honda, VW, Lexus, Subaru or any other vehicle in the field we can cut and program them for you. Just give us a call at 541.632.3968