Tag Archives: 4 track

A 4 track high security automotive key blank. There are internal and external four tracks. It refers to how the key is cut and the lock and wafers are designed.

New 3D Pro High Security Machine

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We just received and installed out new 3D Pro Exteme Key Machine by Laser Key Products! The 3D Pro is an automated key machine operated by a computer. What makes this key machine special:

– Cut 2 track high security keys

-Cut 4 track security keys

– Cut tibbe high security keys

– Can cut standard & tubular keys as well

– Fastest and most accurate high security key machine on the market

-It is placed in our vehicle as a mobile unit so we can generate your keys in the field

Check out our video of cutting a VW 2 track key. Notice, it only takes less than 60 seconds!

If you need 2 track, 4 track or tibbe keys for Honda, VW, Lexus, Subaru or any other vehicle in the field we can cut and program them for you. Just give us a call at 541.632.3968